Wednesday, November 11, 2015

residential storm water capture program

There's no shortage of ways residents are trying to employ to reduce their water usage. With no conceivable end in sight, the changes are now shifting a culture of water usage, and it's going to be a permanent change.

Some ways to get creative on capturing what rainfall does fall comes in the form of water capture for homes.

Check it out.

Monday, November 2, 2015

Beverly HIlls Fined for Water Violations

It seems as though the rich can do wahtever they want. As everyone else tightens their belts, the city of Beverly Hills was fined for breaking water restriction regulations. And there's really no reason for them to stop either. The fine is a whopping 61K.

Of course, is residential consumption really the problem? In the grand scheme of things yes, but not to the extent the likes of agriculture siphons off water to produce produce.

If you want to blame water over usage then blame almonds. Yes, almonds, those nasty nuts that suck water like it was free....oh wait, the price farmers pay for water is practically that....
